
CIICTAV represents a multidisciplinary meeting of researchers and professionals dedicated to the study and research in different areas of knowledge of science and technology. Its main purpose is to promote contact, scientific and professional cooperation in these areas.

In its third edition, CIICTAV expects to gather a significant number of attendees, to make known to the community and society the existence of a space for scientific dissemination related to the areas of information technology, environment, tourism, agronomy and zootechnics.

CIICTAV arises from the need to create and maintain a discussion meeting between scientists, academics and professionals interested in the study and research in different areas of knowledge, promoting multidisciplinary projects. On the other hand, it is intended to contribute with advances in each field of research proposed.

Accepted manuscripts will be published in the book MEMOIRS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INNOVATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY “AMAZONIA VIVA” with digital ISBN and then will be indexed in KOWLEDGE-E and the following databases: Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Research and Professional Society Publishers, Crosref, ORCID, OASPA, ROAD.